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Second Virtual HLI Congress this time for Argentina
The experience of the first virtual HLI Congress resulted in a request from volunteers of the Diocese of Catamarca, Argentina to program a 10-day virtual congress for such diocese with the possibility of other dioceses joining from Argentina and other parts of Latin America.
Therefore, with the blessing of Monsignor Luis Urbanc, Bishop of the Diocese of Catamarca, northern Argentina, a group of volunteers helped organized a virtual pro-life, pro-family congress that eventually reached participants from other dioceses in Argentina as well as from other parts in Latin America.
Main theme of the Congress
The main theme of the virtual congress was “Conspiracy against Faith, Life and Family” and had the participation of 10 speakers, which were the following:
Monseñor Eduardo Castillo, Arzobispo de Portoviejo, Ecuador, quien habló desde Ecuador sobre “La importancia de la Familia dentro de la Iglesia y la Sociedad”.
P. Santiago Martín, Fundador y Director de Franciscanos por María, quien habló desde Roma, Italia; sobre “Aborto y espiritualidad”.
P. Marcelo Barrionuevo, de la Arquidiócesis de Tucumán, Argentina, quien habló desde Tucumán, sobre “Cuidar las relaciones familiares”.
Dr. Oscar Botta, afiliado de HLI en Argentina, quien habló desde Buenos Aires, Argentina, sobre “Las vacunas y sus consecuencias”.
El Dr. Rafael Cabrera, afiliado de HLI en Nicaragua, quien habló desde Managua, Nicaragua, sobre “Naprotecnología y Fertilización IN Vitro”.
La psiquiatra Lola Sheen, ex presidenta de CEPROFARENA, afiliada de HLI en Perú, quien habló desde Lima, Perú, sobre “¿Es la pornografía y la adicción?”.
Adolfo Castañeda, director de educación de HLI para hispanos, quien habló desde Miami, Florida, sobre “Cómo educar sobre temas de vida y familia, siguiendo las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica”.
Raymond de Souza, misionero de proyectos especiales de HLI, quien habló desde Wisconsin sobre “La importancia de San Miguel Arcángel en la defensa de nuestra Iglesia”.
Nancy Tosi, Asesora de HLI para América Latina, quien habló desde Cuenca, Ecuador, sobre “Ideología de género y también Amor, Donación y Compromiso desde la Teología del Cuerpo”.
Mario Rojas, Director Latinoamericano de HLI, quien habló desde Nueva Orleans, Louisiana, sobre “Ataques a la fe, la vida y la familia y qué hacer”.
Censure by social networks
Unfortunately, for the first time, an HLI virtual congress was subject to censure by Facebook and YouTube, alleging lack of property rights, which caused loss of audience.
Censure occurred during three conferences, in the first conference, given by Mario Rojas, an HLI video about the Gospel of Life was presented and one of the music themes played was supposedly identified as breaking property rights ( I do not know how the managed to decide) by the so called “guards of Facebook” and in some cases several fan pages were stopped immediately and others were erased at the end of the lecture.
Similar censure occurred for lecture number 3 (see attached digital program), when Dr. Oscar Botta was speaking about vaccines in general, someone in the virtual audience asked about vaccines for Covid 19 pandemic, Dr. Botta commented about the different fallacies of the vaccines and the conference was censured alleging that the World Health Organization (WHO) does not agree with the comments made by Dr. Botta. At the end of the lecture, the video was erased from Facebook fan pages and also from YouTube.
The third censure occurred for lecture number 4, when Fr. Santiago Martin was the speaker. Ave Maria by Pavarotti was played as an introduction of the night’s event and again it was censure claiming violation of property rights. The conference was again erased by Facebook and YouTube at the end of the lecture.
Luckily for us, one of the fan pages that a collaborator used in Facebook had a very strong protection and Facebook was not able to erase none of the lectures that were given via such fan page.
As per the enclosed Word table, a total of 25,334 windows were opened to watch all 10 conferences. The numbers in green represent the Fan Pages of Facebook and YouTube that were registered by our Fan Pages at the end of October 28.
The numbers in light blue represent the Fan Pages of Facebook and YouTube that were registered by the Diocese of Catamarca by the end of October 28.
The numbers in purple represent the sum of our Fan Pages and the Diocese of Catamarca Fan Pages by the end of Oct 28.
At the end of the virtual congress, received several positive comments about the lectures offered by all the speakers. Please find enclosed a testimony of Felicia Mercedes Barrozzi PRADASKI – Pro-life agent of Maturin , Diocese in Venezuela.
Second Virtual HLI Congress this time for Argentina
The experience of the first virtual HLI Congress resulted in a request from volunteers of the Diocese of Catamarca, Argentina to program a 10-day virtual congress for such diocese with the possibility of other dioceses joining from Argentina and other parts of Latin America.
Therefore, with the blessing of Monsignor Luis Urbanc, Bishop of the Diocese of Catamarca, northern Argentina, a group of volunteers helped organized a virtual pro-life, pro-family congress that eventually reached participants from other dioceses in Argentina as well as from other parts in Latin America.
Main theme of the Congress
The main theme of the virtual congress was “Conspiracy against Faith, Life and Family” and had the participation of 10 speakers, which were the following: